Spring Fever!

As we head into Easter weekend, the Barnicott family is caught up in holiday planning and activities. But even without the holiday, the entire family has a lot going on right now.

So much is happening this week!

My younger daughter (who as I’ve mentioned before is expecting twins!) and our beloved son-in-law Jon along with our little granddaughter Aria are closing on a house of their own next week. Meanwhile, Jon is looking for a new job, and my daughter Brittany just got one – she was promoted to Director of Marketing for St. Vincent de Paul.

Tom, of course, is immersed in work with Holy Week activities. Holy Week for ministers is like tax season for accountants!

As for me, I’m working double-time on my special commission for Forbes Hospital – a huge five-panel painting for their new History Wall. The paintings will be unveiled at the Omni William Penn at a black tie event on April 19th.  Although the project isn’t quite completed, three of the five panels are finished, and the last two paintings will be shown as “works in progress.”

Whenever I sit down to work on the History Wall paintings, I’m reminded of how grateful I am for the opportunity to honor the men and women of Forbes Hospital. It boggles my mind to think that my work will hang there on the History Wall for decades to come as a tribute to those dedicated people.

As much as I’m enjoying the Forbes Hospital project, it doesn’t allow me much time for other things (especially housework!). I’ve been so busy, in fact, that here we are with Easter almost upon us and – believe it or not – I still have some Christmas decorations up. I definitely need a maid… or maybe a clone?

It looks like we’re finally getting some springlike weather here in Pittsburgh. When I think about which of my paintings reminds me most of spring, the first one that comes to mind is “Oasis of Beauty at Phipps.” I’m not the only one who feels that way… just this morning, someone at my BNI business meeting asked about purchasing one of my metal sandwich trays featuring that image.

There’s something about that painting that really evokes the light and warmth of springtime for me. I had wanted to paint that scene for over a decade, and when I finally did, it was like bringing sunshine into our home. I like to think I was channeling Monet when I painted this piece, inspired by the soft light and water lilies in the pond.

I hope you enjoy “Oasis of Beauty at Phipps” as much as I do. The original is sold; however, the image is available as a print or on note-cards or gift-ware. Visit my website and see what’s available… https://lindabarnicott.com/product/oasis-of-beauty-at-phipps/.