No Rest for the Artistic

Wow, these last two weeks certainly been a whirlwind!

We started out in Ireland, then on to Picklesburgh, and we’ll finish at a brand new festival in Bethel Park this weekend!

Our trip to Ireland was truly a dream vacation, full of unforgettable sights, smells, and sounds. As it turns out, we weren’t quite done with the Emerald Isle yet! As we finished loading the van after Picklesburgh ended, Jade, who works for Fly Space (who helped set up this year’s footprint of the festival), stopped by to ask what we thought about the festival. In just a few sentences, we all realized she was from Ireland! So after I thanked her for a well-run, successful show, we talked about her home country. As the Irish say,” Once you get us talking, we never stop!”

Picklesburgh was invigorating! In the four days we were there, we saw only happy people! Saturday seemed like the best attended day, with lines up and down the street, but no sad faces. We laughed and joked that it was probably because there was beer to be had on every corner and inbetween… pickle beer, that is!

Something new is coming to Pittsburgh on Saturday. Bethel Park will be hosting its very first Arts and Music Festival from 10 am to 8 pm on July 27th.  Many of my fellow artists and I will be set up in the Community Center.

If you live in or near Pittsburgh, you won’t want to miss this one. Be a part of the Bethel Park’s First Annual Art & Music Festival! Come and share the excitement, eat some fun food, and listen to some great music! There will be lots of activities for all ages!

I hope to see you there!!!

Linda Barnicott… Painter of Mystery!

Hi, it’s Linda!

For me, this year has been a year like no other. There is a lot going on in my art world! Unfortunately, I can’t tell you anything about it!

I just finished a commission. It’s a surprise, so I can’t talk about it yet.

I have another commission that could have a big impact on my career… also a surprise, so I have to keep it quiet.

Then later this summer, I’ll be working on another big commission. It’s also a surprise gift, so I’m sworn to secrecy for the time being.

Finally, I’m just now on my way to a meeting about a huge event in October. And (you guessed it!) – for now, I can’t talk about it!

It’s so frustrating!

One of my favorite parts of writing this newsletter is talking to you, sharing my process and my thoughts along the way to a finished painting. So here I sit, having no idea what to say – except that I’m thrilled that you all read my posts, and I hope you’ll stick with me! I can’t wait until I’m free to tell you about these new commissions. There will be some fun storytelling soon!

Love to you all… and have a good week!

Come on Down!

Hello from the Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show! We have had perfect weather to go along with all the beautiful smiles Tom and I have seen so far this year!

There are plenty of big doings at the show this year as I celebrate my 28th anniversary as an exhibitor…

An old friend, Rob Pratte from KDKA, interviewed me this week. Years ago, I had the honor of painting him and his young children with the miniature train platform in his home. We reminisced, and he spoke of how I’ve documented Pittsburgh and its memories for all these years. Then he suggested subjects for three new paintings – each time, I said “I’m already on it!” One of them, of course, was Isaly’s.  I’m saving the other two ideas for another time because… well, actually, because I have a secret! And the problem with secrets is that I can’t tell you! But that secret is the reason that I may not be painting Isaly’s this year. Hopefully, I can share it with you in a couple of months.


I know I’ve said in the past that I sold all of my signature prints of Franco Harris, but then one buyer never followed through with the purchase, and I also found one hiding underneath a stack of unsigned prints. Well, the other night I actually did sell those last two Francos to another vendor here at the show. He also purchased a Maz and two different Roberto Clementes. So, I am very grateful for this show and for ALL the wonderful people we’ve met.

Don’t forget! The show isn’t over yet, and I’m still offering a sitewide 15% discount for online orders until Sunday, March 17th, at midnight! Just enter the code SPRING15 at checkout. It’s a great time to purchase gifts for all those special occasions before the savings is gone!

Have a great weekend… hope to see or hear from you soon!

What’s That Smell?

It’s the scent of Spring in the air!

In fact, starting next Friday, the David L Lawrence Convention Center will be filled with the scent of spring flowers, thanks to the Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show.  As you make your way through the downstairs hall, just ride the escalator up to the second floor and walk through the doors, then head a little to the left, where you’ll find Aisle 3100 – aka Artists’ Row – with tons of Pittsburgh art! I’m right there at the end of the aisle at my “Double-Wide” Booth 3146-8.

If you can make it on Opening Day, Friday, March 8th, you’ll be able to see my original pastel painting, “Keeping Watch Over Pittsburgh.” But the painting will be on display for ONE DAY ONLY! I’ll be walking it in that day and walking it back out that night.  Why? Because one of my collectors has already purchased the original!  Though the original will only be on display for the first day of the show, there will be plenty of prints available for purchase throughout the event.

In the meantime, I’m working hard, preparing and gathering as many prints and art gifts as I can. I want to make the 2024 Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show the best one yet!

I’ll be moving in Tuesday and getting ready all week for the big opening on Friday morning. Can’t wait to see you there!

Two Weeks and Counting!

Can it really be less than two weeks until I begin my 28th year at the Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show?

I still remember the very first year that I decided to do this really expensive show. My plan was just to get my name out there and have a chance to talk to thousands of people. I was so young and scared! After all, my husband was the one used to standing in a pulpit every week and talking to parishioners. I was always behind the scenes, a kinda-shy artist with only seven prints to my name and my first Kennywood painting.

I know I talk about the Home and Garden Show a lot, but that’s because it has had such an impact in my career. I created my first mailing list with emails I collected from this show. And as expensive as it was, it allowed me to meet my first customers – people who have collected my work throughout the years.

I remember at the end of Day #2 that first year, holding my hands to my cheeks and exclaiming to Tom, “What did we do?” – we had already made back the cost of the show! And I thought it was just a chance to get to meet people.

This year I have so many paintings, I have to make difficult decisions about what to put up on my walls and what goes with the rest of the unframed prints in the bin. I have so many choices of giftware that I need to be more selective than ever about what to display. I have truly been blessed… especially because I’ve met so many of you at the show over the years.

The BIG NEWS is I will be introducing my new painting – “Keeping Watch Over Pittsburgh” – at the show on Opening Day, March 8th. The original has already sold, but I’ll have limited-edition prints, mini prints, coasters, ornaments, and bookmarks available. You’ll have lots of opportunities to take this one home with you!

Have a great week… and wish me luck with all the planning!!!

All Good Things…

Just when it feels like we’ve hit our stride, the Holiday Market in Market Square (like all other good things!) is coming to an end. It’s lovely, though, to think that after these last few days there will be no more aches from all that standing… no more exhaustion from early days and late nights. But we’ve gotten used to it! The smiles and the stories of our visitors and greeting old and new friends, especially the families who have come home to visit the Burgh, make it all worthwhile.

It looks like the weather will be pretty decent up to 3 pm on Christmas Eve, when it’s closing time for the 2023 season. Ornaments, coasters and 8×10 prints seem to be the favorites this year, and I’ve been fortunate to be able to restock along the way.

Please stop by this week if you’re in need of some last-minute gifts. We’re starting to see folks with that “(rein?) deer in the headlights” look when they realize they still have much of their shopping to do!

Tom and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year! May the next year bring you great joy!

“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!”

You probably knew this already, but the holiday season is my favorite time of year!

I love being at my Chalet and looking into the eyes of folks I have yet to know, listening to their stories, and trying to assist them in finding the perfect present that meets their needs.

Sometimes I can, but even when I can’t provide them with that gift, I’ve often made a new friend. At the end of the day, it’s all about the joy and magic of the holiday season. If I can provide a smile and an ear, then I feel that I’ve truly made a difference in the world.

I know someone else who feels that way… and his name is Santa Claus! Last night a young couple with a new baby named George stopped by my Chalet. While we were talking, they recognized the Santa paintings on my wall because they had just taken their little one’s first picture on Santa’s lap. In fact, Mom and dad were also posed on Santa’s lap! What a glorious photo it was!

Santa was so kind last weekend to stop by and see my new painting, “Santa Golfs at St. Andrews.” Do you know someone who golfs? This might be the perfect gift! Check it out on my website:

I have lots to offer on my website, but here at my Chalet, I have even more unique gifts that you won’t find anywhere else. The Holiday Market is open every day at 11 am. I hope I can help you find the perfect gift.

Until next week… enjoy this magical time of year!

A Festive Fall!

I don’t know about you, but this last week really flew by! I’m trying to enjoy this last bit of summer weather before autumn “falls” right back into our laps.

Last weekend, we had an incredible show at the Mount Lebanon Artist Market. It was a record-breaking year for the show, and with so much talent and beautiful weather, there were smiles aplenty!

Of course, I’ve already moved on to planning my next Fall Festival – Fort Ligonier Days is less than two weeks away! I will return to the same spot for the second year, with my booth in the Municipal Lot by the YMCA. Fingers crossed that the weather forecast improves from what they’re predicting currently.

Since I wrapped up the Artist Market show last weekend, I’ve returned to the studio, and I’m painting up a storm on my new Santa painting. What do you think of my progress so far?  I have a good feeling about it. I’m really hoping that a lot of golfers will be excited when they see what Santa was up to in his downtime this year!

Meanwhile, I’m organizing my website for the holidays and bringing in new art gifts. Check out my work out at the various fall/holiday shows and online at!

Have a great week!



My Visit with the Rooneys!

The weekend before last, Tom and I personally delivered my original pastel painting, “Ice Ball Treats with Gus and YiaYia,” to its new home in Connecticut with the Rooney family. (Yes, THAT Rooney family!)

We had the pleasure of spending the afternoon and evening with the piece’s new owners, June and Tim Rooney. They loved that Tim’s brother, Dan Rooney, appeared in the painting, sitting and watching while Gus shaved the ice for his ice-ball treats.

Shipping an original pastel that size would have given me sleepless nights! So instead, we took a road trip, had an adventure, and created a lovely friendship. I’m honored that my painting will be a part of the lives of the Rooney family.

Now as we head into fall, Show Season is in full swing. And speaking of “full swings,” I have an announcement!

I’m creating a new Santa Claus painting for 2023 after all. This one may take me a little extra time to paint because of the amount of detail, but I’m off to a good start.

The working title is “Santa Golfs St. Andrews,” which kind of says it all. St. Andrews, Scotland, is known as The Home of Golf, and the game has been played on its links for over 600 years! It was fun developing the sketch and gathering all the elements to make it special – including a vintage leather golf bag and clubs, a Christmas plaid golf cloth with a suggestion of snow, a candy-cane emblem, and even holly on Santa’s golf hat. In the background, you can see the famous St. Andrews Hamilton Grand as well as the historic Swilcan Bridge.

The original pastel painting has already been sold… even before I finished painting it! I hope to have it done in a few weeks and will keep you updated.

Adventures in Customer Service

Did you notice last week that I didn’t send out a newsletter? There was a really good reason. I was in the midst of a customer service nightmare – 11 hours of phone calls over the course of two days!

It began on Wednesday afternoon as I tried to make a business call. A robot told me that my service was suspended. When I finally spoke to a real person, I was told “no service until you pay up!” My bill was over $2000!

I was sure that I’d called before we left for Italy to sign on for the international phone plan. Did we mess something up? It was only supposed to cost $10.00 a day for 21 days.

Well, it turns out it wasn’t our fault. The plan worked fine. But remember how I mentioned the serious issues I’d been having with my email? Apparently, someone hacked my phone account and used my upgrades to buy an iPad and a Pro Max 14 iPhone, both with a terabyte memory. (The thief certainly had expensive tastes!) One was sent to Penn Hills and the other to Philadelphia.

Reconstructing the case was an amazing journey. I really had no clue that anything was remotely wrong until they shut off my service; this boggled my mind. I was told that they probably cloned my phone and sold my info to hundreds if not thousands of scammers, subscriptions, and mailing lists.

It was definitely a blessing on Day 2 when I spoke with an angel – the greatest customer service agent of all time! He stayed with me all the way through to the resolution. He empathized with my frustration and said, ”You sound like you have a good spirit.“  I responded by saying “Thank you! My husband refers to me as the Mayor of Happy Town”! We just laughed together, and I felt good for the first time after eight maddening hours on the phone.

So while I go through the craziness of straightening out my email, here’s a heads-up – keep an eye out for a new email from me coming soon!

With all of that going on, I was blessed today when a prominent family originally from Pittsburgh’s Northside purchased my original pastel painting of “Ice Ball Treats with Gus and YiaYia.” That original painting has been hanging in my home gallery for a very long time, and I’m really going to miss it. But you never know who is going to call! I’m so grateful it’s going to someone who truly loves Gus and his family.

Show season is just getting started, so mark your calendars! My next show is the Ebenezer Covered Bridge Festival on Saturday, September 16th and Sunday, September 17th. Check out for more information.

Don’t forget – the Covered Bridge Festival is a cash-only show. (The reason is that cell service is spotty to nonexistent at our location.)  So come out to the country and see me! You can check out my new painting, “Glad Tidings at Gimbels” and other new art gifts!

Have a great weekend… and always protect your identity!