Have you ever been to Fort Ligonier Days?
Fort Ligonier Days is one of my very favorite shows of the year, especially with the beauty of the fall landscape and the wonderful people who always come to this event. It’s a fantastic all-day experience with great food and music, historical re-enactments… and of course, the finest art and gifts!
It looks like the weather on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be perfect for a day trip out to the country. I’ll be in Booths #16-17 in the Loyalhanna Lot located off South Market Street behind the fort. The show runs October 12th through 14th from 9 to 6 on Friday and Saturday and then Sunday from 10:30 am to 5 pm.
Come out and see all the wonderful new things I have to show you for the holiday season!
Now on a personal note…Tom and I are celebrating our 38th anniversary today, and this year I decided to surprise him with a very special and meaningful gift.
When we first got married, I commissioned a painting for Tom from a fellow artist and dear friend, Joe Stasny, who has since passed away. Joe was an amazing watercolorist and loved painting wet-on-wet – meaning that the paper is wet the whole time you’re using watercolor paints.
Wet-on-wet can be pretty challenging, as I know because I took a few classes from him. They say that in the watercolor field there are “Happy Accidents.” Well, I never had one of those, and I never was really able to master that technique.

Anyway, Tom loved Joe’s work, especially a painting he had entitled “Winter’s Eve.” So I asked Joe if he could make a morning version of it for Tom; hence, “Winter’s Morn.” After all these years, the frame was looking a little shabby (I didn’t know about acid-free or museum-quality framing back then). So for our anniversary this year, I surprised Tom with “Winter’s Morn” in its new frame.
It’s amazing how just putting it in a new frame has brought the painting back to life. So if you have a painting that you love that looks tired or beat-up, I encourage you to re-frame it, and you’ll enjoy it again as if it were brand new.
One last thing…
In just two weeks, I’m hosting my most unique and unusual event ever – my Trunk Show and Artist Open House will takes place here at my studio on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 26th through 28th. And of course, you’re invited!
Items for sale will include everything from originals, prints, and gifts to one-of-a-kind pieces, including some of my “oddities.”
Friday Preview Night (October 26) will run from 7 to 9 pm and will feature 20% offeverything in the show except “Super Savers” – INCLUDING ORIGINALS!
On Incentive Saturday (October 27) from 10 am to 3 pm, I’m offering percentage discounts – the more you spend, the greater the savings.
Sunday (October 28th) will feature unadvertised Mystery Specials that won’t be revealed until the day of the show.
Full details to come in next week’s email!
So head out to Fort Ligonier Days this weekend and stop by the booth and say hi! I’ve packed up my van as well as my car without an inch to spare, and we’re heading out to Ligonier to begin set up as soon as I finish this.Hope to see you there!