Category: Uncategorized

Slava Ukraini!

This week, I have some exciting news to share with you – I sold an original!!! It’s always a joyous time when I know that one of my paintings is going to a happy home, and it’s not unusual at all to find out that one of my pieces has deeply touched the heart of its buyer. But this one is a bit different; it was a very emotional experience for me. With the ongoing situation in Ukraine, my painting, “Unbroken – The Heart of Ukraine,” has been on my mind lately. It’s been nearly three years since I painted the pastel.

From Portugal to Pittsburgh

Can it be spring yet? Please? I don’t know about you, but I was born in April and I am definitely a spring baby. Well, maybe not a baby anymore! This year I’ll be 67, but being blessed to live in Pennsylvania, I have enjoyed spring every year since I was born. With just two weeks until the Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show begins, I’m super excited about seeing and smelling spring flowers again… admiring beautiful landscaping… meeting first-timer visitors to the show… and of course, introducing my art to newcomers and creating new relationships. As I prepare for my 28th year

You Never Know Who You’ll Meet at the Holiday Market!

Hi, it’s Linda, with a jolly Ho-Ho-Ho! We have been crazy busy down at the Holiday Market! With less than a week left, I’m excited to meet all the folks who come down to the Market and listen to the stories they share. Every day, there’s something new. For example, the other night, Fred Mazur showed up. (If you recall, he’s the gentleman whose classic gold Avanti car appears in my painting, “Lincoln Highway’s Historical Ship Hotel.”) When Fred arrived, he walked up to the counter and asked, “Where’s my car?”  He had brought some friends along and had fun sharing

‘Tis the Preseason to Be Jolly

Hi, it’s Linda, your busy, busy artist friend! I have a few things to share with you today… First up, I want to mention how dearly I love my husband Tom. No, it’s not our anniversary…. it’s SHOWTIME! My van is constantly being packed full of my art and gifts, show supplies, shelving, and tables. We’re in a constant re-stocking mode for each of our shows, and Tom is always my greatest asset! It wouldn’t be nearly so much fun without him working alongside me. He’s essential in keeping us on track this year… and in every season! With my artwork

Full Speed Ahead to the Holidays!

Today, I’m looking out the window at the beautiful yellow leaves floating on a gentle breeze and shimmering with the touch of bright sunlight. Which reminds me that we’re already into the Fall/Holiday season, so full of fun activities and celebrations. Having 80-degree weather on Halloween is pretty unusual, but at least for once my grandgirls don’t have to cover up over their costumes! Even with Halloween behind us, it’s full steam ahead until Christmas! This coming weekend is full of activities for me as well. For example… Friday – I’m filming a spot for local cable BPTV that will air

Holiday 2024… Ready – Set – Go!

There’s no time like the present to get started on your Holiday shopping! If you happen to be in the Monroeville area, come see me this Saturday at the Monroeville United Methodist Church Fall Festival from 10-3. I’ll be set up in the parlor of the church with my prints and gifts and available to sign your purchases all day! My booth will be fully stocked with a selection of my prints, puzzles, art mugs, holiday cards and note cards, art bags, magnets, bookmarks, and ornaments. If you’re a collector who’s looking for what’s new, there will also be a special table of “Linda’s

‘Tis the Season

Happy Fall! For me, the arrival of Fall means it’s “Show Season,” my busiest (and most exciting) time of the year. First, we had a very successful show at the Mt. Lebanon Artist Market. Then on Thursday, I was an honored guest at the Purse Gala for the Highmark Caring Place. I brought 34 prints with me to be displayed and bid on, and 25 of them were sold. So many people spoke to me afterward about how the paintings were meaningful to them. It was wonderful to be a part of this special fundraiser that helps families who are grieving. Next, Tom and I

Santa’s Got a New Ride!

Today is the day – the big announcement of my new painting release for the 2024 Holiday Season! When I started my Santa series nine years ago, I had a five-year painting plan. (All I can say to that is “Oops!”) The last four years of “extra Santas” have been both a surprise and a delight, as new ideas seem to be birthed every year. You see, I really enjoy the holidays, and there is something about painting Santa that brings me back to the old days of twinkling lights, gifts from the heart, and mistletoe… or in this case,

No Rest for the Artistic

Wow, these last two weeks certainly been a whirlwind! We started out in Ireland, then on to Picklesburgh, and we’ll finish at a brand new festival in Bethel Park this weekend! Our trip to Ireland was truly a dream vacation, full of unforgettable sights, smells, and sounds. As it turns out, we weren’t quite done with the Emerald Isle yet! As we finished loading the van after Picklesburgh ended, Jade, who works for Fly Space (who helped set up this year’s footprint of the festival), stopped by to ask what we thought about the festival. In just a few sentences, we

Linda Barnicott… Painter of Mystery!

Hi, it’s Linda! For me, this year has been a year like no other. There is a lot going on in my art world! Unfortunately, I can’t tell you anything about it! I just finished a commission. It’s a surprise, so I can’t talk about it yet. I have another commission that could have a big impact on my career… also a surprise, so I have to keep it quiet. Then later this summer, I’ll be working on another big commission. It’s also a surprise gift, so I’m sworn to secrecy for the time being. Finally, I’m just now on